My Proposed Solutions
One of the major problems with the one-child policy is that it is so ingrained in Chinese culture through propaganda. In order to start correcting the problems caused by the policy, a new propaganda campaign must be instated that promotes a policy of full reproductive freedom, the value of girls and the idea that additional children are not as burdensome financially as they may seem. If the
government were to grant the Chinese full reproductive freedom, some families
would take advantage of the opportunity to have more children if they felt they
had the resources to support a larger family while others would continue to
have one child. Therefore, the Chinese government should reward families
monetarily for having more than one child to ease the financial burden of
additional children. Although, any
changes to increase the population growth of China will take time, a policy of
full reproductive freedom would prove more successful that a gradual approach because
its effects would not be apparent until many more decades. Additionally, China could encourage immigration, as it would resolve the problem of a labor shortage rather quickly as well as provide more people of childbearing age.
These solutions would resolve each of the problems caused by the one-child policy.
Through a policy of full reproductive freedom, forced abortions and sterilizations by family planning officials and gendercide will cease. A propaganda campaign promoting the value of girls will stop sex selective abortions as well.
Since the number of children per family will increase through full reproductive freedom and government incentives to have more than one child, children will now have siblings they can divide the task of caring for their aging parents and grandparents with. These children will also have the economic resources to support their aging family members because there will no longer be a shortage of workers and the economy can continue to thrive.
Full reproductive freedom will result in an increase in the number of workers that are needed to keep the economy running and retain foreign business. Encouraging immigration can also help augment the number of workers needed in a shorter period.
No matter what policy China implements concerning its population, the country will still have significant environmental impacts due to the great size of its population. Under the one-child policy, which sought to lessen China's environmental impact, the environment was still harmed as the standard of living and consumption of food, resources and goods rose. However, through full reproductive freedom, there will be more people and therefore more ideas circulating about how to protect the environment and build a sustainable future for China and the world. Furthermore, the government will not have to spend money on family planning and can invest in conserving the environment.
Through full reproductive freedom, China's military would benefit, as it would be able to maintain its size and readiness; however, it would pose an international threat once again.
These solutions would resolve each of the problems caused by the one-child policy.
Through a policy of full reproductive freedom, forced abortions and sterilizations by family planning officials and gendercide will cease. A propaganda campaign promoting the value of girls will stop sex selective abortions as well.
Since the number of children per family will increase through full reproductive freedom and government incentives to have more than one child, children will now have siblings they can divide the task of caring for their aging parents and grandparents with. These children will also have the economic resources to support their aging family members because there will no longer be a shortage of workers and the economy can continue to thrive.
Full reproductive freedom will result in an increase in the number of workers that are needed to keep the economy running and retain foreign business. Encouraging immigration can also help augment the number of workers needed in a shorter period.
No matter what policy China implements concerning its population, the country will still have significant environmental impacts due to the great size of its population. Under the one-child policy, which sought to lessen China's environmental impact, the environment was still harmed as the standard of living and consumption of food, resources and goods rose. However, through full reproductive freedom, there will be more people and therefore more ideas circulating about how to protect the environment and build a sustainable future for China and the world. Furthermore, the government will not have to spend money on family planning and can invest in conserving the environment.
Through full reproductive freedom, China's military would benefit, as it would be able to maintain its size and readiness; however, it would pose an international threat once again.
Copyright © 2013 by Alexa Tsintolas. All rights reserved.